Have you ever heard a hooting symphony in the night and wondered: what is a group of owls called?
Owls are fascinating creatures known for their distinctive hooting calls and nocturnal habits.
They are found in many different parts of the world and come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes.
One of the lesser-known facts about owls is that they often gather in groups, and these groups have a special name: a “parliament.”
This article will explore the fascinating world of owls and the unique characteristics of these species when they are in groups.
What is a Group of Owls Called?

A group of owls is called a “parliament.” The origin of this term is thought to come from the Latin word “parlamentum,” which means “discussion.”
This name was chosen because of the way that owls often gather in groups, hooting and communicating with each other in a way that resembles a discussion or debate.
A parliament of owls can refer to any number of owls, from a small family group to a large gathering of dozens of birds.
These owl groups can form for a variety of reasons, including breeding, roosting, and foraging.
Some species of owls, such as the great horned owl, are known to form large, communal roosts in the winter where dozens of birds will gather together for warmth and protection.
In a parliament of owls, the birds communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations, including hoots, barks, whistles, and screeches.
These vocalizations serve a variety of purposes, including territorial defense, mate attraction, and coordinating hunting efforts.
Owls are generally solitary hunters, but they are known to hunt together in a group to increase their chances of catching prey.
While a parliament of owls may seem like a peaceful gathering, there is often a hierarchy among the birds, with dominant birds exerting control over their territory and hunting efforts.
This hierarchical structure ensures that all members of the group are able to find food and survive.
Overall, a parliament of owls is a fascinating phenomenon that adds to the complexity and diversity of these mysterious birds.
Whether they are hooting together in a winter roost or hunting together on the wing, a group of owls is a sight to behold.
Why is it Called a Parliament of Owls?
The name parliament didn’t appear out of the blue. Most animal group names date back to the middle ages when different terms are published for nobility.
Drawing us back to the time of C.S. Lewis and his 1950s novel The Chronicles of Narnia, the word ‘a parliament of owls’ first appeared in his book.1
His novel became so popular that fans worldwide have had no choice but to adopt the name ever since.
A parliament of owls sounds suitable and is more like the best name for the description at hand.
The phrase ‘parliament of foules’ has existed since the 1300s. Geoffrey Chaucer, a 14th-century poet, used it to define birds/fowls living in groups.2
C. S. Lewis might have read the book and fine-tuned the term to his taste. The best part is that it suits his expression just fine.
A parliament is a gathering of legislators debating and using their knowledge to discuss topics in the best interest of the government and its citizens.
It is no news that owls are associated with wisdom and knowledge, and this has caused many to believe the collective noun could be inspired by such a group. 3
Other Collective Nouns for Owls
While parliament is a common name for owls in three or more folds, alternatives for the term include congress, wisdom, stare, hooting, or silence.
other names for a group of owls include:
- A bazaar of owls
- A sagaciousness of owls
- A nest of owls
- A diss of owls
- A pair of owls
- A stooping of owls
- A looming of owls
- An eyrie of owls
Collective Names for Different Owl Species

Some owl species have their group names. Below are some you might want to know about:
- A group of barn owls — a stable of barn owls.
- A group of snowy owls — A blizzard of snowy owls.
- A group of barred owls has two names — a jail/prohibition of barred owls.
What is a Group of Flying Owls Called?
According to Audubon, a group of flying owls is called silence/quiet.4
This relates to the ability of owls to fly with little or no noise, a skill that all owls must possess for survival.
From baby owls to larger species like the barn owl, flying in silence is a crucial practice that they all must adapt to survive.
It is almost impossible to see a group of flying owls. This occurs during the cold winter when owls have to hunt for prey during the day and at their respective colonies.
Flying in silence helps them to hunt their prey without any sign or notice.
This skill is most helpful, as it makes it easy to detect predators and be clingy to their prey, so it doesn’t hear their sound and flee.
What is a Group of Baby Owls Called?

A brood of owlets is another name for a group of baby owls. The term owlet best describes a baby or owl hatchlings.
Baby owls live with their parents until they can survive on their own. Owls are fond of living alone. In rare cases, you’ll find their flock together.
What Is a Pair of Owls Called?
Sometimes owls pair in two to carry out their hunting. A pair of owls is just two owls seen together. Nothing more, nothing less.

How Many Owls are in a Flock?
Some owl species form little flocks. These groups may be between three to five members and usually include families or owls of the same species.
Anything less is no flock but just a pair of solitary birds going about their business.
Short-eared owls and barn owls are fond of forming small flocks. Burrowing owls sometimes form such groups, and most times, it results from wanting to roost communally.
Why Do Owls Flock Together?
The only time you might find owls flocking together is after the breeding season—or before. Most species are monogamous, and these mates may pair together for breeding purposes.
Owls also flock together during the cold winter as they look for warmth and a comfortable spot for huddling.
Other times, these owls might have either spotted a predator or mobbing songbirds. They may also roost together at a notice of excess prey for hunting or if they find an abundant hunting space.
Owls have their habitats in plains, forests, mountains, deserts, and coniferous. The snowy owl is most common in the cold tundra of the north, and barred owls can be found in almost all parts of the world.
Of all names for a group of owls, a parliament comes first and is most suitable.
It can fit in any expression and sounds just as nice and smart as these owls themselves.
Next up…
- Animal Group Names: 110+ Collective Nouns For Animals
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- 10 Rarest Birds in the World & Where To Find Them
References & Notes
- C.S. Lewis (2014). The Chronicles of Narnia. HarperCollins (2014, first published 1956)
- Parlement of Foules. Wikipedia.
- Paxton O. R. (2017). A Parliament of Owls. The New York Review of Books.
- Ogden E. Lesley (2017). The Silent Flight of Owls, Explained. Audubon.