
Fish are aquatic animals. They are vertebrates (vertebrates have backbones) that live and breathe in water using their unique organ called gills.

crane bird

A Guide To Animals That Are Not Mammals

Animals that lay eggs and do not give birth to young ones are non-mammals. They are over 99.9% of animal species aren’t mammals (from the total of 9 million species only 6,495 of them are mammals). Unlike mammals, non-mammals don’t produce and secrete milk from mammary glands to feed their offspring. Non-mammals also don’t have

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8 Common Dangerous Animals In Aruba – Travel Responsibly

Aruba is a beautiful island that I have visited many times. Aruba has rich wildlife and unique underwater world and plenty of animals, and some of them can be dangerous. However, if you inform yourself on time and follow some safety protocols, you will have no problems during your exploration of this beautiful place.  In

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Do Sharks Like the Taste of Humans

Do Sharks Like the Taste of Humans? – Facts and Fiction

Sharks, these ancient, mysterious creatures, have been a focal point of many myths, legends, and misconceptions. One such misconception revolves around their supposed taste for humans. We’ve all seen the dramatic movie scenes where sharks are portrayed as bloodthirsty man-eaters. But what is the truth behind these notions? Are we a favorite meal for these

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27 Most Terrifying Deep Sea Creatures – In the Depths of Fear

The deep sea, a vast and mysterious expanse, is a world unlike any other. Shrouded in eternal darkness, subjected to immense pressure, and chilled by bone-numbing temperatures, it’s a realm that seems almost alien to us. Yet, within this seemingly inhospitable environment, life thrives in the most unexpected ways. The creatures that call the deep

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Largest Fresh Water Fishes

10 Largest Fresh Water Fishes in the World – Beyond Ordinary

Welcome to an adventure that takes you beneath the surface of rivers, lakes, and freshwater habitats around the globe. Today, we’re diving into the world of gigantic freshwater fish. Some of these underwater titans could even give a small boat a run for its money! From North America to the Amazon and the Mekong Delta,

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Explore the megalodon size comparison with othe rlarge animals in this article.

Megalodon Size Comparison: Just How Big Was the Megalodon?

The megalodon is a long-extinct species of mackerel shark, but its reputation as one of the ocean’s most dreaded predators still lingers today.  From popular movies like The Meg to internet claims of sightings, this creature won’t be forgotten anytime soon.  While the only fossil available is the megalodon’s tooth, experts have used it to

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Why do Bala sharks twitch? Explore the theories in this article.

Why Do Bala Sharks Twitch? Answer and Explanation

Bala sharks are popular for their docile behavior despite their large size and intimidating appearance.  It’s no wonder they are also called gentle giants.   But their docility isn’t the only trait people know this animal for.  This fish is also popular for twitching in ways that seem unnatural.  Why do Bala sharks twitch? Are they

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What Do Sharks Eat A Closer Look At Shark Diet & Food Chain

What Do Sharks Eat? A Closer Look At Shark Diet & Food Chain

The question what do sharks eat perhaps might have been inspired by movies that portray these sea creatures as relentless, ferocious hunters and merciless marine carnivores. In fact that 96% of movies on IMDB paint these creatures as oppressive threats with an unquenchable hunger. While scientists believe these movies exaggerate sharks’ feeding patterns and diet

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