Top 17 Small and Cute Birds In The World: Birdwatchers’ Delight

A hummingbird drinks water

Birds, with their diverse array of shapes and sizes, captivate our imaginations like no other creatures. From the minuscule, agile hummingbird that flits from flower to flower, to the majestic stride of the towering ostrich, their variety is astounding.

Among this vast spectrum, it’s often the petite, endearing birds that hold a special place in our hearts. Their delightful personalities, combined with playful behaviors and charming looks, make them irresistible.

Whether you’re an avid birdwatcher or someone who simply appreciates nature’s wonders, these tiny avian wonders have a unique way of bringing joy and warmth. Their presence, with their cheerful chirps and antics, can light up a day, making them cherished companions in the tapestry of life.

Here are 17 of the smallest and cutest birds in the world:

17. Goldcrest

Goldcrest Europe's tiniest bird

The goldcrest holds the distinction of being Europe’s tiniest bird. Inhabiting forests and woodlands, these minuscule birds, weighing less than a gram, are insectivores.

Their high-pitched, trilling song is a common sound in their habitats, and their olive-green plumage with a distinctive yellow or orange crown stripe makes them easily identifiable.

16. Kinglet

a kinglet stands on a branch

Kinglets are agile flyers, often seen flitting between tree branches in search of insects. Found in North America and Europe, their brown plumage might seem plain, but their acrobatic aerial displays are anything but.

Watching them hunt for insects, and their remarkable skill to effortlessly cling to the undersides of leaves and branches is truly awe-inspiring.

15. Fairy-wren

Native to Australia, fairy wrens are enchanting birds with a delicate demeanor. Their petite size and soft brown plumage give them a fairy-like appearance, true to their name.

They are renowned for their intricate nests, often built close to the ground amid dense shrubs, providing safety from predators.

14. Sunbird

Sunbird a vibrant colored bird

A colorful tropical bird, Sunbirds are nature’s jewels, boasting vibrant colors that shimmer in the sunlight. Found across Africa, Asia, and Australia, they have a penchant for nectar, which they extract from flowers using their long, slender beaks.

Bird enthusiasts are particularly fond of them due to their attractive, shimmering feathers that come in a variety of hues including red, purple, and green.

13. Lovebird

Lovebird-brightly colored parrots

Lovebirds are small, brightly colored parrots that are found in Africa. They are known for their playful and affectionate personalities, and they make popular pets.

Lovebirds come in a variety of colors, including green, blue, yellow, and orange. They are about 12-14 cm long and weigh around 40-60 grams.

Lovebirds are social birds and need to be kept in pairs or groups. They are also very vocal birds and will make a variety of sounds, including chirping, whistling, and squawking.

12. Owl

Owl catching prey under the cover of darkness 1

Owls, with their mysterious aura and different species, have always fascinated humans. Their large, forward-facing eyes give them excellent night vision, making them formidable nocturnal hunters.

With a near-silent flight and sharp talons, they are adept at catching prey under the cover of darkness. Owls are found globally and are often associated with wisdom in various cultures.

11. Finch

Finches are delightful little birds

Finches are delightful little birds, often adorned with vibrant colors. Found in Europe, Asia, and North America, they primarily feed on seeds.

Their strong beaks are perfectly adapted to this diet. Many finch species have melodious songs, and they’re popular among bird enthusiasts both in the wild and as pets.

10. Sparrow

Sparrows are ubiquitous birds that have made their presence felt in every corner of the world. Their modest brown plumage might seem unassuming, but their resilience and adaptability are truly remarkable.

From bustling cities to serene countryside, sparrows have found ways to coexist with humans, often nesting in buildings and foraging for food in urban areas.

9. Chickadee

Chickadees are small, sociable birds

Chickadees are small, black and white, sociable birds known for their distinctive “chick-a-dee-dee-dee” call. With a black cap and bib, white cheeks, and soft gray back, wings, and tail, they are easily recognizable.

Native to North America, chickadees are curious and friendly, often visiting bird feeders in winter. Their ability to mimic a variety of sounds adds to their charm.

8. Wren

Wrens are tiny energetic birds

Wrens are tiny, energetic birds with a powerful voice. Despite their small size, their song is loud and melodious.

Found in Europe, Asia, and North America, wrens are known for their intricate nests, often built in hidden spots or even in pockets of clothes left outside. Their agility and quick movements make them delightful to watch.

7. Woodpecker

Woodpeckers are remarkable birds known for their unique behavior of pecking at tree trunks. Their long, sharp beaks are specially designed to drill into wood, searching for insects.

Over 200 species of woodpeckers can be discovered in North America, Europe, and Asia, with each having its own unique pecking rhythm and pattern.

6. Bluebird

Bluebird-gentle nature and sweet song

Bluebirds, with their striking blue plumage, are a symbol of happiness in many cultures. Native to North America, they are often found in open woodlands and gardens.

Their gentle nature and sweet song make them a favorite among birdwatchers. Bluebirds are cavity nesters and often occupy birdhouses if they’re available.

5. Robin

Robin charming birds recognized by their distinctive red breast

Robins, often associated with the arrival of spring, are charming birds recognized by their distinctive red breast. They are found across Europe, Asia, and North America.

The robin’s delightful melody is a delight for one’s sense of hearing, often announcing the commencement of a fresh dawn. In various societies, this bird represents happiness and rejuvenation.

Fun Fact: There are many birds that look like robins but they aren’t!

4. Parrot

Parrots are perhaps the most popular pet birds and for a good reason. Their intelligence, coupled with their ability to mimic sounds, including human speech, makes them fascinating companions.

With over 393 species, parrots can be found in various sizes and a riot of colors. From the rainforests of South America to the islands of Indonesia, parrots have made their presence felt, enchanting bird lovers everywhere.

3. Toucan

Toucan vibrant colors and playful nature

Toucans are instantly recognizable by their oversized, colorful long beaks. Native to Central and South America’s rainforests, these birds use their large bills to peel and eat fruit.

Their vibrant colors and playful nature make them a favorite among bird enthusiasts. There are about 40 different species of toucans, varying in size and color patterns.

2. Kingfisher

Kingfisher typically found near water bodies

Kingfishers, with their vibrant plumage and sharp, pointed beaks, are a sight to behold. Typically found near water bodies, they are expert fishers. They dive into the water with lightning speed to catch their prey.

There are about 90 species of kingfishers, and while not all of them eat fish, their hunting skills are universally impressive. This species maybe can’t fly high but it flies very fast.

1. Bee Hummingbird

Bee Hummingbird

The bee hummingbird holds the title of the world’s tiniest bird. Native to Cuba, this diminutive creature is about the size of a large bee, measuring just around 5 centimeters and weighing less than a gram.

Despite its size, it’s a marvel of nature. With incredibly rapid wing beats, it can hover in place, sipping nectar from flowers.

Its iridescent feathers shimmer in sunlight, making it a breathtaking sight.

Size Comparison

Bird Length (cm) Weight (g)
Bee Hummingbird 5 2
Goldcrest 10 1
Kinglet 10-12 5-7
Kingfisher 15-20 30-50
Lovebird 12-14 40-60
Parrot 20-40 40-400
Robin 15-20 20-30
Bluebird 15-18 18-25
Sunbird 10-12 4-6
Toucan 40-60 300-600
Fairy-wren 12 8
Wren 10-12 8-12
Chickadee 12-14 10-15
Sparrow 12-15 10-20
Finch 12-15 10-20
Owl 15-50 100-1000
Woodpecker 15-25 50-100

Attracting Small Birds to Your Backyard

The presence of these petite avian wonders can transform any backyard into a lively sanctuary. Here’s how you can make your space more inviting:

  • Food and Water: Ensure a steady supply of food by planting native flora that yields berries or seeds. Bird feeders with a mix of seeds can also attract a variety of species. Fresh water, whether in a birdbath or a shallow dish, is essential for both drinking and bathing.
  • Safe Spaces: Birds seek areas where they feel secure. Birdhouses, dense shrubs, or even tall grasses can offer them the shelter they need to nest and rear their young.
  • Patience is Key: Birds might take time to discover and trust a new environment. Consistency in providing food and water, coupled with patience, will eventually make your backyard a favorite spot for these feathered visitors.

Birdwatching is a rewarding hobby, and the joy of spotting these small wonders is unparalleled. Whether in the wild or your backyard, their antics and beauty are a testament to nature’s splendor.


orphaned birds to a wildlife rehabilitation center

What can I do to help protect small and cute birds in my own backyard?

Here are some things you can do to help protect small and cute birds in your own backyard:

  • Plant native plants that attract birds.
  • Avoid using pesticides.
  • Put up birdhouses and feeders.
  • Report any injured or orphaned birds to a wildlife rehabilitation center.
  • Get involved with a local bird conservation organization.

By taking these steps, you can help ensure that small and cute birds continue to thrive in our world.

What are some common myths about small and cute birds?

Some common myths about small and cute birds include:

  • They are not intelligent.
  • They are not capable of feeling emotions.
  • They are not social creatures.
  • They are not trainable.
  • They are not good pets for children.

These myths are not true. Small and cute birds are intelligent, emotional, social, and trainable creatures.

They can make wonderful pets for children, but it is important to do your research before getting one.

Closing Thoughts

In the vast tapestry of avian life, these petite birds stand out, not just for their size but for their captivating beauty and behaviors. From the iridescent sunbird to the delicate fairy wren, each species offers a unique glimpse into the wonders of the natural world.

As we make efforts to attract them to our backyards, we not only enrich our surroundings but also foster a deeper connection with nature. Their presence serves as a gentle reminder of the intricate and delicate balance of our ecosystem, urging us to appreciate and protect the smaller wonders that grace our world.