If dolphins don’t come up for air every few minutes, they will start to feel lightheaded and dizzy. But they are also aquatic mammals that need to stay in the water to survive.
You’re probably wondering how long can a dolphin stay out of water.
Although the dolphin is an air-breathing mammal and must come up to the surface to breathe air through its blowhole, it can’t survive out of water for too long. But if they are kept cool at an appropriate temperature, they can stay out of water for hours.
These marine mammals can only remain submerged for a few minutes at a time, which is why you’ll often see them swimming close to the surface.
How Do Dolphins Breathe?

Breathing is an involuntary and unconscious action for mammals like humans, but it differs for dolphins and whales.
These marine mammals choose when and when not to breathe because they understand that breathing at the wrong time can be dangerous, as well as not breathing at all.
Dolphins need to breathe for their bodies to function adequately, and they can do this in 2 ways:
Through their blowhole
A blowhole is located at the top of a dolphin’s head. When a dolphin is underwater, its blowhole remains tightly closed to prevent water from entering.
When it comes to the surface for air, the blowhole opens up, allowing it to get as much air containing essential oxygen as possible, which is just enough to keep it underwater for several minutes.
Through their lungs
Just like other mammals, dolphins have lungs too, and it is where the air it comes up to get at regular intervals is stored.
This stored air (oxygen) sustains the dolphin as it dives underwater, but it can only last for as long as 15 minutes.
How Long Can a Dolphin Stay Out of Water?

Dolphins are water animals; for this reason and several other factors, they can’t survive on land for a very long time.
Although they breathe air and need to come up to the surface all the time to get it, they also can’t stay on land for too long—they’ll become dehydrated, and their skin will dry out.
Also, if they’re on the ground, their weight will be pressing on their lungs and other internal organs, which can cause them to die.
A dolphin will typically breathe with the blowhole at the top of its head, but when on land, it manipulates its respiratory system and uses its mouth, which is rather uncomfortable, making the dolphin get exhausted quickly.
But, if a dolphin is kept wet and under certain conditions, it can stay on land without any problems
However, keep it in the back of your mind that it is meant to be in the water, not on land chilling with you.
It is also important to note that how long a dolphin can last outside water depends on various factors such as temperature, age, and climate.
Can Dolphins Survive On Land?
Isn’t it funny and at the same time confusing that though dolphins can’t stay underwater without coming up to get air, they also can’t stay on land where there is plenty of air for a long time?
Regardless of what you’ve heard or read elsewhere, dolphins cannot survive on land.
Here are some of the several reasons why dolphins cannot survive on land:
If a dolphin stays on land, it will become dehydrated, especially in warm and hot weather conditions.
They need to be in the water to regulate their body temperature.
Access to food
On land, a dolphin won’t get direct access to the type of food it typically eats.
Even when it does, there is no assurance that its body can process and digest the food properly. This will cause the dolphin to become malnourished.

Dolphins do not have legs or any means to make them mobile on land, and if they don’t return to the water quickly, they can dry up and die.
These marine mammals are heavyweight, and it will not be exactly easy to wriggle themselves back to the water.
This is the main reason why when dolphins are beached, they get stuck on land and eventually die if they don’t get help.
Difficulty in breathing
On land, they have access to plenty of air, but it will be so difficult for them to breathe normally because, at that point, they will be using mouths instead of blowholes to breathe.
How Long Can a Dolphin Stay Underwater?

When dolphins close their blowholes, they don’t breathe, so they must come up regularly to get air.
So, how long can dolphins hold their breath underwater before coming up to the surface for air?
An average dolphin species will go for about 8–10 minutes before swimming to the surface to get air, while others can last around 20 minutes.
Because they can’t hold their breath for so long, they are careful enough to sleep just below the surface so that their tail flukes will jerk up at different intervals to take in oxygen, thus helping them not to drown.
How Often Do Dolphins Come Out of the Water?
Dolphins can stay out of water for up to 15 minutes, but they typically come up for air every 2 to 3 minutes.
This is necessary for them to breathe, but it’s also a way to socialize and communicate.
Dolphins have been known to leap out of the water and spin around in the air, which is a pretty impressive sight!
What Activities Do Dolphins Do When They Are Out of the Water?

So, we know that dolphins can stay out of water for a long time, but what do they do when they’re out?
Well, it turns out that dolphins are pretty active when they’re out of the water.
They often socialize and play with each other and can be seen leaping out of the water and swimming alongside boats.
They may also look for food in the area, such as crabs or fish.
Are There Any Health Risks Associated With Dolphins Staying Out of Water for Long Periods?

Dolphins can stay out of the water for long periods, but some health risks are associated.
Dolphins that spend too much time out of the water can become susceptible to sunburns, dehydration, and skin lesions.
Additionally, dolphins that don’t frequently come up for air can suffer from a lack of oxygen, leading to neurological problems.
What Do Dolphins need to Stay Healthy and Happy?
Dolphins are truly unique creatures, and, as it turns out, they can stay out of water for quite some time!
But while they can hold their breath for a long time, that doesn’t mean they don’t need to come up for air.
These mammals need to come up for air every few minutes to prevent suffocation.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do dolphins sleep without drowning?
There are two ways dolphins sleep; they can rest on their own, either by lying vertically or horizontally in the water, and they can also sleep while swimming slowly next to other animals.
While resting, they keep an eye open and one-half of their brain active to watch out for trouble. By doing this, they are aware of everything around them and know when it’s time to come up for air.
Can a dolphin drown?
While this is rare, dolphins and other marine mammals like whales can drown in water. They can suffocate and drown if they are not quick enough to swim up to the surface to draw in air.
They can also drown by breathing underwater, which doesn’t happen too often.
Why can dolphins hold their breath longer in water than humans?
A dolphin’s respiratory system is quite different from a human’s (it is highly specialized than ours).
A dolphin’s lungs can absorb as much as 90% of the oxygen they breathe, while humans can only absorb about 15% of inhaled oxygen.
They can store this excess oxygen in myoglobin, which they have in more significant amounts than humans. Dolphins will rely on the oxygen stored to survive underwater longer than humans.
Dolphins are very intelligent and friendly sea animals. They are so cute that humans will love to play with them, but how long can they stay out of water?
Perhaps a few minutes or more, but dolphins have not evolved to survive out of water for a very long time.
If you see a dolphin come up to the surface at different times, know that it is trying to get air.
Leave it alone because if it stays out of water for too long, it can become dehydrated, starve and die.