You can’t come across a penguin while strolling in your neighborhood or commuting because the range of these flightless birds is limited.
For some of us, our only exposure to penguins is movies like Happy Feet and Madagascar, both of which show penguins as happy-go-lucky animals.
This leaves us with questions about the penguin’s behaviors. Are penguins aggressive and dangerous to humans? Do penguins attack humans if provoked?
While it doesn’t seem so because of their domesticated looks, penguins can be aggressive toward humans and even attack. This might be because they aren’t used to being around humans and even other mammals. When a penguin feels threatened, it will go on the offensive and can be dangerous.
Surprised? Let’s look more into this!
Where Do Penguins Live?

Before we know if penguins are dangerous, we need to consider the possibility of encountering one.
Movies are right to some extent about these penguins living in Antarctica, but that’s not the only place they can be found.
Only a few species live in Antarctica, including the emperor penguin, gentoo penguins, and adélie penguins.
These birds usually have long tails to help them navigate the icy environment. Unless you’re an explorer or go on an expedition, you might never meet these.
If you do find yourself in Antarctica and you come across penguins, problems will only arise if you go too close to their nests.
These group of flightless birds is spread in other parts of the world, though. The little penguin is a specie that lives in Australia, regardless of the warm weather. It inhabits the southern parts which have cool waters.
Some penguins also live in the Americas. Though you’d hardly find any in the United States, there are some in South America.
The Magellanic penguin lives in Argentina, and there are 5 species in the Falkland Islands: the Magellanic, Gentoo, macaroni, and king penguins.
Therefore, you can come across penguins in places other than Antarctica. Hence, this subject becomes even more pertinent.
Do Penguins Attack Humans?

There are different penguin species and their temperament differ, but in a general sense, penguins will attack humans if they feel threatened.
This could happen even in the zoo where some penguins are kept. This is why many zoo guides discourage touching animals. This bird is not an exception.
This is a rare occurrence, however, and they generally mind their business if not threatened. Many species of penguins are not accustomed to humans and may not see us as predators unless provoked.
Penguins are also very social, and they are capable of showing humanlike affection. They are protective of young ones, so whatever you do, avoid their nests!
These birds should not be underestimated. The beak alone is a potent weapon. They’re also known to give slaps with their flippers.
Are Penguins Aggressive?

Regardless of their ability to attack, penguins are not aggressive by nature.
When they attack someone, it is often for defensive purposes. Similar to how wary you’d be of strangers, penguins are wary too.
To avoid getting on their bad sides, we recommend standing at least 5 meters and even more. As a rule of thumb, if you feel you’re too close, you probably are.
While approaching, do not rush. Penguins can interpret someone coming with too much speed as a threat.
If they move towards you, retreat slowly without turning your back on them.
We’ve mentioned that they are protective of their small ones, so once again, do not go close to their nests!
You should also steer clear of any male penguin preparing for mating season. You’ll know once you find it picking pebbles and building a nest.
A final suggestion is to keep things calm. Any loud noise can be interpreted as a sign of danger, and make them more likely to get aggressive.
Can Penguins Bite?
Penguins have a long beak, which we mentioned is a potent weapon. Though there are no teeth attached, penguins can bite with the beak, and it may leave lasting damage.
The beak of some species also has a hook at the tip that can pierce through human skin.
Penguins use their beaks when fighting amongst themselves, especially in the battle for a mate.
These fights can get bloody as they hit and bite themselves, leaving strong injuries. You do not want to get into a fight with this bird.
Are Penguins Dangerous?
Penguins can be dangerous, especially when you’re dealing with a large species. They’re territorial even towards themselves, regardless of their social nature.
While they’re not apex predators, they also know how to defend themselves from any threat, either by deterring the predator or fleeing.
For penguins, strength is in numbers. Because they live in colonies you might get attacked by more than one penguin if they feel threatened. The outcome of that won’t be pleasant.
Another attribute that makes penguins dangerous is their boldness towards humans.
Are Penguins Scared of Humans?
Penguins do not consider humans natural predators. As such, they will be more confused and cautious than scared when they come across us.
The natural predators of penguins in the sea include sharks, leopard seals, killer whales, and fur seals. On land, they get preyed upon by foxes and snakes among others.
We’re not even allowed to hunt these birds as it was rendered illegal to hunt down a penguin or even the egg.
All these mean that they are not scared of humans, even with the difference in size. They are also predators, so they’re used to fighting as much as fleeing.
What Happens When a Penguin Attacks a Human?
There are no documented deaths that result from penguin attacks on humans, but with their beaks and flippers, it won’t be a good experience.
Fortunately, these birds rarely attack people. They’re more likely to be curious and confused.
Remember to respect their space and keep away from their young ones. When you do so, you shouldn’t have a problem!
Related Questions
Can a penguin be a good pet?
Penguins are adorable, but they do not make good pets. They have a massive appetite that a regular family may not be able to provide, with a high maintenance need and a high social need. It’s also illegal to own a penguin.
Are penguins friendly?
While some imagine that penguins will act like dolphins, they are neither friendly nor unfriendly towards humans. Their first instinct is to be curious about humans, and they will only attack when triggered.
Are penguins endangered?
Not all penguins are at risk of extinction, but the emperor penguin is currently endangered. There are only a few ones left.
Can penguins fly?
Penguins are flightless birds, so while they have the advantage of being able to swim and live on land, they can’t fly. Their wings only help them glide through the sea and walk on land.
Penguins are cute, but beware! These birds are fighters. Attacks from them are rare but not impossible.
They’re interesting animals worth seeing, but you should only observe these birds from a distance.
You should also not underestimate them as they are predators and are not scared of humans. They can be dangerous when provoked.
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